Sometimes you need to migrate the key findings from a report to a video. This is where it takes real talent to get the story just right.
We start with outlining the problem or issue using real consumers expressing their challenge to bring the data to life, then we punctuate those emotions with the key statistics. This succinctly tells the “what, why and how many” side of the project in a format that works well in the boardroom or the main stage at the industry keynote.
Example: Hyundai USA commissioned Root & Associates to evaluate their Shopper Assurance program with consumers and dealers. The video below was a research summary that was used to help Hyundai’s dealers understand the consumer pains and how the new Shopper Assurance program would address the issues. The video successfully supported the dealer participation enrollment effort.
A business development summary video targeted to industry decision makers.
A research summary video targeted to dealers to help enroll in Hyundai's Shopper Assurance Program
A sample of a remote qualitative in-depth interview
A new product concept video used for both BD and raising capital.